A basic guide to the story and the characters
There might be some words you may deem unfamiliar or not well defined as you read Mahoyaku stories. We will briefly give them a definition here:
Wizard: a person that isn’t a human since they are born with magical powers. Wizards can be born from humans as well, randomly. Wizards obtain their powers from nature and their surroundings, though there’s an exception (Owen, whose powers are fed by emotions). This means their “mana area” will be somehow related to a natural setting that will provide them their magical strength source.
Mana area: a place in the world that will make the wizards help them reflect, focus, and get spiritual healing. It’s like a “power spot”. Usually associated with childhood and memories the wizards hold dear.
Amulet: a certain object that will remind the wizards of their mana area despite not being near it. It’s used so the wizards don’t have to go to their mana area all the time — like a portable mana area.
Crest: they’re the lily flower “tattoos” wizards chosen to fight the Great Calamity get on their skin. When it appears, it hurts (it burns) and it does in a random place in their body. These could be anywhere visible. These seem to glow when magical powers are used.

Magical weapon/object: each character has an object that they deem significant to them and which works as a magic canalizer. They’re various and they adapt to the kind of magic they have and also their battle style. Oz has a staff, Faust has a mirror, etc.
Moon stones and Calamities: moon stones are mysterious items that will cause calamities, the monsters that the Moon brings back to life to threaten people’s lives, appear.
Magic manor: the place where everyone lives! There’s a kitchen, a dining room, the library, a hall, the garden, etcetera. The magic manor is quite big and it’s located in Central country, though a bit distant from Granvelle castle.
Mana stone: they’re fossilized concentrations of magical powers. When wizards die, they become very big mana stones. ...And also what we use to pull in gacha.